
Welcome to the Fossil DNA Store. We currently have a large selection of high quality fossils. We accept PayPal and all major credit cards.

We are always expanding our store. If you are an individual or company that sells merchandise related to dinosaurs, fossils, etc., you may be interested in partnering with us. If so, please contact We look forward to working with you!

Shark Teeth
Shark Tooth of Palaeocarcharodon landeneniss
Ypresian, Eocene

Price: $35     
Megalodon Shark Tooth

Price: $55     
Megalodon Shark Tooth

Price: $65     
Megalodon Shark Tooth

Price: $65     
Megalodon Shark Tooth

Price: $75     
Shark Tooth of Carchorodon carchanas
Great White Shark

Price: $55     
Megalodon Shark Tooth

Price: $75     
Shark Tooth of Cretolamna biauriculata
Mackerel Shark
Morocco, North Africa

Price: $7     
Megalodon Shark Tooth
LARGE 3.0" x 4.5"

Price: $500